Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Betsy's mission call

Monday, August 10,2008. Marie, Betsy and I met behind Stafford's Bay View Inn and sat in a swing overlooking the bay while Betsy opened her papers. We were on the phone with Sarah and Tamara. As she read, " you have been called to serve in the Salt Lake Temple Square Mission" we were all in shock. No one expected it. As it sunk it and as we had time to ponder about it, it was perfect for Betsy. Everything about it fits her perfectly. As we have told others, they also have confirmed that it is a perfect mission for her. ...her happy disposition, her love for people, her testimony,everything. I was sooo relieved...probably the safest place in the world for her to go. It is such a unique mission, the only one where people come to her, instead of her finding them. How great!! She leaves for the MTC on October 15th.